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wilkinson daniel wong gonzales

Assistant Professor of Applied English Linguistics 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
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about me

/about me

Hello! I am Wil Gonzales, a linguist with a passion for exploring the nuances of language in diverse and multilingual settings. From language contact to applied linguistics, my research delves into the ways in which language evolves and adapts in different contexts. I am privileged to not only share my love of language with my students but also to constantly expand my own knowledge in this fascinating field. I am currently an Assistant Professor of Applied English Linguistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In the summer of 2023, I was Visiting Professor at the University of Regensburg in Germany.


I am grateful for the training and mentorship I received from esteemed scholars around the world, which has brought me to where I am today. I first pursued a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education with a focus on English at De La Salle University in the Philippines, and later completed a Master's degree in English Language and Linguistics at the National University of Singapore.  My journey led me to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (USA), where I received my Ph.D. and Master's in Linguistics and  post-graduate certificates in Cognitive Science and Data Science. These experiences have shaped me into the sociolinguist I am today and continue to inspire me to push the boundaries of my understanding of language and society.

My most recent and notable achievement is the publication of my first book/monograph: Our People’s Language: Variation and change in the Lánnang-uè of the Manila Lannangs. Check it out when you have time!


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NEW BOOK (2025): Our People’s Language: Variation and change in the Lánnang-uè of the Manila Lannangs

(Dân láng-e uè: Mga Manilá Lánnáng-e Lánnang-uè-e pagka-varỳ kâp pagka-pièn)

This book pioneers the study of Lánnang-uè, deeply embedded in Manila’s Lannang community’s culture. It approaches Lánnang-uè not just as a language but as a vibrant social practice, highlighting its variability and complex social meanings (e.g., identity-marking). Over six years and with more than 150 participants, the monograph integrates contemporary, community-focused, and critical sociolinguistic frameworks to explore and document linguistic variation as well as change signaling attrition, challenging reductive academic views. Employing diverse methodologies—surveys, elicitation, interviews, computational modeling, and ethnography— the work offers a nuanced depiction of Lánnang-uè’s diversity. A decolonial stance is advocated, emphasizing the complex practices that define the language and its speakers’ identity. It critiques the idea of a uniform linguistic standard, presenting Lánnang-uè as shaped by local, diverse, and inclusive practices, urging a reevaluation of language ownership and authenticity. This monograph is crucial for scholars in sociolinguistics, language variation, and contact linguistics, informing language revitalization efforts and enriching global discussions on linguistic diversity and discrimination.

/as a sociolinguist

As a sociolinguist, I am fascinated by the intricate ways in which language interacts with society, especially in the diverse and multilingual context of the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Whether exploring language variation, change, or contact, I am constantly seeking new ways to understand the dynamic relationship between language and culture. My research employs a wide range of techniques, including corpus-based analysis, experimental methods, ethnographic fieldwork, and computational approaches, as I delve into diverse datasets ranging from natural speech to social media data.


I have a keen interest in the study of Sino-Philippine languages such as Lánnang-uè and East Asian languages like Putonghua/Mandarin, Hokkien and Colloquial Singapore English (or "Singlish"). In my research, I often incorporate a social perspective by examining the diverse sociolinguistic contexts in which these languages are used.

as a linguist

/recent publications


Our People’s Language: Variation and change in the Lánnang-uè of the Manila Lannangs (Dân láng-e uè: Mga Manilá Lánnáng-e Lánnang-uè-e pagka-varỳ kâp pagka-pièn)

John Benjamins

2024 (online)

Adverbial confirm in Colloquial Singapore English: Insights from a text message corpus.

Asian Englishes (Routledge)

2024 (online)

Sociolinguistic variation in Colloquial Singapore English sia

World Englishes (Wiley)

2024 (online)

The predictive role of L2 motivation in receptive and productive informal digital learning of English: A chain mediation model

Digital Applied Linguistics (Castledown)


New Dimensions: The Impact of the Metaverse and AI Avatars on Social Science Education

Blended Learning: Intelligent Computing in Education (Springer)

2023 (online)

Broadening horizons in the diachronic and sociolinguistic study of Philippine English with the Twitter Corpus of Philippine Englishes (TCOPE)

English World-Wide (John Benjamins)

2023 (online)

From tweets to trends: analyzing sociolinguistic variation and change using the Twitter Corpus of English in Hong Kong (TCOEHK)

Asian Englishes (Routledge)

2024 (online)

Mixed language in flux? The various impacts of multilingual contact on Lánnang-uè’s wh-question system

International Journal of Bilingualism (Sage)

2024 (online)

Philippine Englishes in the Sino-Philippine Lannang context: Towards a concentric-pluricentric interactional-interplanar model of English

World Englishes (Wiley)

2024 (online)

World Englishes pedagogy: constructing learner identity

ELT Journal (Oxford University Press)


The Holistic Advantage: Unified quantitative modeling for less-biased, in-depth insights into (socio)linguistic variation

Languages (MDPI Switzerland)


The MULTI Project: Resources for enhancing multifaceted creole language expertise in the linguistics classroom

American Speech (Duke University Press)

2023 (online)

Advancing Sino-Philippine linguistics and sociolinguistics using the Lannang Corpus (LanCorp) – a multilingual, POS-tagged, and audio-textual databank

International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)


The Sociolinguistics of Code-switching in Hong Kong’s Digital Landscape: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Cantonese-English Alternation Patterns on WhatsApp

Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (De La Salle University Press)

2024 (online)

Sociolinguistic Analysis with Missing Metadata? Leveraging Linguistic and Semiotic Resources Through Deep Learning to Investigate English Variation and Change on Twitter

Applied Linguistics (Oxford University Press)

2024 (online)

When to (not) split the infinitive: Factors governing patterns of syntactic variation in Twitter-style Philippine English

English Language & Linguistics (Cambridge University Press)

2024 (online)

Clause-Final Adverbs in Colloquial Singapore English Revisited

Journal of English Linguistics (SAGE)


Revitalizing Attitudes Toward Creole Languages

Decolonizing Linguistics (Oxford University Press)


Variation in Asian and Pacific Islander North American English: What the patterns of scholarship demonstrate about race in sociolinguistics

Asia Pacific Language Variation (John Benjamins)

2023 (online)

Spread, stability, and sociolinguistic variation in multilingual practices: the case of Lánnang-uè and its derivational morphology

International Journal of Multilingualism (Routledge)

recent publications


Twitter Corpus of Englishes in Hong Kong (TCOEHK)

Lannang Corpus (LanCorp): A multilingual, POS-tagged, and audio-textual databank

Sino-Philippine Language Map

Sociolinguistic Corpus of Englishes in Hong Kong (SCOEHK)

Using Machine Learning to Improve Readmission Prediction in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia

Corpus of Singapore English Messages (CoSEM)

Twitter Corpus of Philippine Englishes (TCOPE)

My Language, My Heritage: A grassroots Sino-Philippine language documentation initiative

The Lannang Archives

as an engineer

/as a data scientist

I have had the opportunity to collaborate with and lead two dynamic and multi-talented teams – the Alzheimer's Disease Machine Learning team at the Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation at the University of Michigan, and the Natural Language Processing team of Digital Alpha Technologies in New York. In these roles, I have been able to leverage my expertise in corpus development and analysis, using a combination of machine learning and computational techniques to drive innovative research and development. Whether working with data from healthcare or natural language processing, I am constantly seeking new ways to apply my skills and make meaningful contributions to my field.


SubCorp (Python)

A tool that creates a tagged (sociolinguistic) corpus based on SRT files from YouTube


EasyYTGet (Python)

A free application that automatically downloads videos and audios given a list of links or a link


TweetCorp (Python)

A wrapper application that, from a simple query GUI interface, scrapes, preprocesses, and tokenizes Twitter tweets by sentence using a mix of rule-based and neural network splitting algorithms before compiling them into a CSV corpus file. Includes sociolinguistic demographic prediction support using Deep Learning with Wang et al’s 2019 M3 application


SpeechSuite (Python)

An application that uses speech detection, segmentation, LSTM-based network embedding, and spectral clustering to transcribe, diarize, and tag American English audio. Under development: Support for Philippine English and Filipino


Corpus of Philippine Englishes-Twitter Component Corpus Suite (Python)

An application that compiles
and preprocesses COPE, allows for data querying, which is used to subset the corpus. Includes sociolinguistic demographic prediction support using Deep Learning with Wang et al’s 2019 M3 application


Financial Data Extractor (Python)

A tool that takes in a list of SEC-registered companies and returns a CSV with extracted financial information (e.g., revenue segmentation by region) from 10-Q/10-K filings. Developed for Digital Alpha Technologies, Inc. New York, USA




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/as an educator

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of teaching and mentoring students across the globe – from the Philippines and Singapore to the United States and Hong Kong. As a licensed professional teacher in the Philippines, I continue to work hard to understand and navigate the nuances of education and am dedicated to supporting the success of my students. My expertise and passion for teaching allow me to interact with the complexities of the field and make a positive impact on the lives of those I teach.


My dedication to teaching was recognized when I placed 6th out of 53,090 exam takers overall, with a top ranking of 1st in English. Whether working with students in the classroom or through mentorship, I am committed to helping others reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

as a teacher

/courses taught




The Deborah Keller-Cohen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

University of Michigan


Graduate Students’ Teaching Award (GSTA)

National University of Singapore


The Braj B. Kachru Student Award

23rd International Association of World Englishes (IAWE) Conference, International Association for World Englishes


Eduardo Cojuanco, Jr. Award for Teaching Innovation

De La Salle University


Jose Rizal Award – Jose Rizal Honors Society

De La Salle University


Distinction Award (Rank 1 - English specialization, Rank 6 - overall, 53,090)

Professional Regulation Commission, Manila, the Philippines


Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award

De La Salle University


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© 2024 by Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales. 

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